FETL Winter Symposium
13th December 2017, 12pm - 3pm
House of Commons, Saint Margaret Street, London, United Kingdom
We are once again partnering with FETL, an APGSE member, to deliver their Winter Symposium 2017.
The FETL Winter Symposium is focused on the leadership of thinking, the roles and relationships between sector leaders, governors, employers, and elected officials.
The FETL Winter Symposium is focused on the leadership of thinking, the roles and relationships between sector leaders, governors, employers, and elected officials. It is intended as not only a celebration of the work FETL has already undertaken, but more an opportunity for leaders to meet and consider the future leadership needs of the further education and skills sector.
Attendees will hear from number of the authors who have helped create the FETL body of work, alongside sector and Parliamentary leaders to make up an opening panel. This will be followed a celebratory reception on the Terrace of the House of Commons. The event will be attended by local leaders including college Principals, Chief Executives, Chairs and governors and their MPs, as well as an array of other senior stakeholders.
With formal invitations to follow, we hope you will put this event in your diaries and join us on the 13th of December.
Please RSVP here.
House of Commons, Saint Margaret Street, London, United Kingdom