Defining further education: does it matter?
There is no commonly accepted definition of further education (FE), with the term being used to embrace provision that ranges from foundation learning for adults to higher apprenticeships, as well as academic and vocational education for young people from age 14 onwards. This lecture will be given by Professor Martin Doel the FETL Professor of Leadership in Further Education and Skills.
There is no commonly accepted definition of further education (FE), with the term being used to embrace provision that ranges from foundation learning for adults to higher apprenticeships, as well as academic and vocational education for young people from age 14 onwards.
Professor Martin Doel argues that this lack of definition does have consequences in terms of a lack of agency for institutions and organisations classed as FE providers, in inconstancy of government policymaking in this area, and in the resources allocated to post-16 and adult education.
However deriving an all–encompassing definition may be impossible to achieve in a way that is meaningful and useful. The alternative for those providers currently classed as being a part of the FE sector, most particularly colleges, is to more carefully define and describe their own distinct individual purpose as an essential part of local educational and social ecosystems.
About the speaker
Professor Martin Doel joined the UCL Institute of Education (IOE) in 2016 as the first Further Education Trust for Leadership Professor of Leadership in Further Education and Skills, prior to which he was Chief Executive of the Association of Colleges (AoC) from 2008.
The lecture is free to attend and all are welcome. The lecture will be followed by a wine reception.
- Professor Martin Doel's research profile
- FE Week speaks with Professor Martin Doel
- Centre for Post-14 Education and Work
- Forthcoming Department of Education, Practice and Society events
Jeffery Hall, UCL Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL