Dragana Ramsden, Morley College
Dragana has 16 years of experience of teaching, managing and leading work reaching out to those most disadvantaged and distanced from the learning experience. She has led a wide range of projects within specialist providers of adult learning, including community interpreting, mental health, community music and capacity building. Her postgraduate studies focused on the role of educational experience on integration of European migrants in the UK. Her current research interests focus on the value that adult education can bring through collaborative partnerships and altruistic leadership.
Developing a new vision of a collaborative partnership between Adult Community Learning and Mental Health primary care. Heroes and Anti-Heroes, what is the measure that we need?
Dragana’s research focuses on two main themes: a vision for public sector partnership and the leadership characteristics needed for its development. The purpose of the research is to stimulate the stakeholders to reflect strategically on the values of joint work, create a new vision of partnership working between the adult education and health sectors and begin to articulate the leadership characteristics necessary for developing this vision. The main ambition of this new vision is to accomplish improved outcomes for adults with mild and moderate mental health issues through more effective collaboration between the sectors.